Our Company
unites experts ,

If xanthan gum is chosen instead of guar gum, the solids content may be between 40 and 70 g/tablet (a). consolidate their knowledge and experience to meet the challenges of complex
widest spectrum .

Professional team

integrated Solutions

Flexible pricing

International projects

5 +

Years on the market

365 +


92 +

Successful projects

63 +

cases won

Learn more about us

First Counsellor - a team of professionals , have repeatedly been shown that our clients do not and can not be unresolved legal issues . Our company brings together specialists who are experts in various fields of law , consolidating their knowledge and expertise in order to address the widest range of tasks .

Years of successful practice - a consequence of our ability to creatively, efficiently and effectively represent clients and provide services at the highest quality level. Our main specialization - legal assistance to Russian and foreign companies and entrepreneurs in all fields related to commercial activities , both in Russia and abroad . We advise our clients to represent their interests in commercial negotiations , as well as in relations with public authorities and administration.

More in detail +

- Investments and the creation of corporate structures
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Securities markets
- Antitrust and Competition Protection
- liquidation and bankruptcy
- Enterprise-Wide Support
- Nonprofits
- legalization of the status of foreign companies in the Russian legal expertise companies and assets (due diligence)
- Консультации и комплексное обслуживание
- Недвижимость и строительство
- Коммерческие сделки
-Медиация, досудебное урегулирование споров
- Судебное представительство
- Трудовая миграция
- Кадровый учет
- Трудовые споры
- Налоговые споры
-Возражения на акты налоговых органов
-Налоговый консалтинг.
- Ведение бухгалтерского и налогового учета
- Восстановление бухгалтерского и налогового учета

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